Re: [hatari-devel] working 060 demos (was: 060 + DSP -> freeze)

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On Sun, 18 Jan 2015, Eero Tamminen wrote:

As does the new TBL Rift demo.
Requires Falcon/DSP + 060 + FPU + 64MB TT-RAM.
Anders, I think you can add Hatari to these kind of messages at
	"Check out the video if you do not have a Falcon to run it."


well there is no Hatari I can download that can run it and I've failed miserably to compile the dev version as always (I'm now giving up for all future..).

Emoon spent a whole lot of time to optimize the demo to run at 25 Hz most of the time (he says over 1000 hours of work). We shouldn't spoil that work by telling people to run it at much too low speed on emulation. It wouldn't be fair to the creators.

That said, I'm really happy that there is TT-RAM and at least theoretical 68060 support (speed isn't there now). Perhaps Hatari can replace Aranym as development aid for Falcon 060 demos in the future when it's running faster.

PS. I'd also like to give a shout out to native Falcon demos for 68060, not just Amiga converted ones. Try Supernatural or Dazed by Evolution for example.

Anders Eriksson

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