Re: [hatari-devel] WinUAE CPU core CPU/FPU/DSP performance according to Centurbo benchmark

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Le 02/01/2015 23:16, Konador, Cyprian a écrit :
From: Douglas Little
Sent: 2 January 2015 21:27

(It seems there are still other mechanisms stealing some cycles or causing bus slots to get missed because the resulting timings are cycle-fractional - but I guess those causes are more likely to be constants. The timings always yield integers with Hatari)

What about memory refresh cycles? I have no good example, but e.g. in Amiga memory refresh cycles steal  4 memory slots per scanline:

IIRC refresh cycles in STF mode are "taken" when the shifter is not displaying bitplanes (during the right border). Maybe it's the same on falcon ?

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