Re: [hatari-devel] asm56000.ttp problem

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I'll try this, but for info it's my working directory (I've coded all the games and demo from this disk).

Le 08/01/2015 22:44, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 08/01/2015 22:41, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
I've got a strange message in the console :

A-Trap A000 at 00E010A0 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A00E at 00E010C0 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A000 at 00FA023E -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A000 at 0004E852 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A000 at 00055EC4 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A009 at 00055EDA -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A00A at 00055EA8 -> 00E094EA
No GEMDOS dir '/media/Win_NTFS/Data_Laurent/Jeux/Atari/usr'
No GEMDOS dir '/media/Win_NTFS/Data_Laurent/Jeux/Atari/usr'
No GEMDOS dir '/media/Win_NTFS/Data_Laurent/Jeux/Atari/usr'
A-Trap A000 at 00055EC4 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A009 at 00055EDA -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A00A at 00055EA8 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A000 at 00055EC4 -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A009 at 00055EDA -> 00E094EA
A-Trap A00A at 00055EA8 -> 00E094EA

The real path from where I try to compile is :

I don't understand why it writes
'/media/Win_NTFS/Data_Laurent/Jeux/Atari/usr' (?? Why usr)



could there be a problem when you try to compile on another partition than the main one of your PC ?

Can you try to copy the file to your local disk to try ?


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