Re: [hatari-devel] DSP and HREQ |
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OK, I need some help now ;)
Nicolas, I think you've pointed out a bugged part of the DSP emulation ;)
First, I've rewrote the code into hatari dsp emulation like this :
(The if statement seemed to be wrong to me).
static void dsp_core_hostport_update_hreq(void)
int hreq;
hreq = (dsp_core.hostport[CPU_HOST_ICR] &
dsp_core.hostport[CPU_HOST_ISR]) & 0x3;
/* Trigger host interrupt? */
if ((hreq != 0) && ((dsp_core.hostport[CPU_HOST_ISR] &
(1<<CPU_HOST_ISR_HREQ)) == 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Interrupt\n");
/* Set HREQ bit in hostport */
dsp_core.hostport[CPU_HOST_ISR] &= 0x7f;
dsp_core.hostport[CPU_HOST_ISR] |= (hreq?1:0) << CPU_HOST_ISR_HREQ;
Now, I get the fprintf message displayed into the console when I run my
test code.
But : it seems I never reach the $3c address (ie in my test program, I
never break into dsp_inter)
Could it be because of the move.w #$2500,sr ?
Or some bad inner code into hatari ?
Here is my current test code (it seems buggy somewhere as sometimes I
get some bombs with it).
68030 side :
; Supervisor
clr.l -(sp)
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.w #$2500,sr
move.l $3c.w,save_dsp_inter_adr
move.l #dsp_inter,$3c.w
move.b #2,$ffffa200.w ; Tx interrupt
move.w #105,-(sp) DSP_Unlock
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
move.w #104,-(sp) DSP_Lock
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
tst.w d0
bne.s dsp_locked
move.w #113,-(sp) DSP_RequestUniqueAbility
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
move.w d0,-(sp) DSP_ExecProg
move.l #(dsp_mapping_fin-dsp_mapping_debut)/3,-(sp)
pea dsp_mapping_debut
move.w #109,-(sp)
trap #14
lea 12(sp),sp
cmp.b #$39,$fffffc02.w
bne.s TestKey
move.w #105,-(sp) DSP_Unlock
trap #14
addq.w #2,sp
; Restore
move.l save_dsp_inter_adr,$3c.w
; The end
clr.w -(sp)
trap #1
; Read ISR
move.b $ffffa202.w,d0
move.b $ffffa207.w,d1
move.b $ffffa202.w,d2
section data
save_dsp_inter_adr: dc.l 0
incbin "hreq.P56"
DSP side :
HSR equ $ffe9 ;Host Status Register
HTX equ $ffeb ;Host Transmit Register
org p:$0
jmp $40
org p:$40
; General code to initialise port B
movep #>0,x:<<$fffe
movep #$c00,x:<<$ffff
movep #>1,x:<<$ffe0
andi #$fc,mr
jclr #1,x:<<HSR,*
move a,x:HTX
jmp tst_loop
Le 26/01/2015 15:49, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
while looking at the level 6 interrupt ttat the DSP can trigger, I
wonder if everything is emulated.
From the DSP user manual, HREQ is set in non DMA mode when RXDF and/or
TXDE are set, and HREQ is cleared when both RXDF and TXDE are cleared
(this requires TREQ and RREQ to be set in the ICR)
In Hatari, the status of HREQ is maintained in the function
When HREQ becomes 1, it calls DSP_TriggerHostInterrupt which sets
bDspHostInterruptPending=true and creates a pending level 6 interrupt.
But what happens when HREQ becomes 0 at the dsp side ? From the
current code, it seems bDspHostInterruptPending will remain true and
the level 6 interrupt remains pending ?
Is this really the case on a real Falcon ? I can't test it myself, but
I guess it should set bDspHostInterruptPending=false and cancel the
pending DSP's level 6 int.
Can someone test this on his falcon ? (Maybe doug already encountered
this ?)
For example :
test 1 :
- set SR=2500 at the cpu side
- have the DSP set HREQ=1 (by transferring data)
- we should get a level 6 interrupt at the cpu side, that will call
by default exception number $F (at address $3c)
In the interrupt handler :
- If we read ISR, is bit 7 set to 1 ?
- If we then read the low byte of receive or transmit register, this
should clear ISR. Is ISR bit 7 set to 0 after a read ?
test 2 to test when hreq goes back to 0 :
- set SR=2700 at the cpu side
- have the DSP set HREQ=1 (by transferring data)
- poll ISR to see when HREQ=1 in bit 7
- when HREQ=1 in bit 7, read the low byte of receive or transmit
- wait for HREQ to become 0 in bit 7 (should be immediate after the
read above I guess)
- set SR=2500 : nothing shuold happen, level 6 interrupt at $3c
should not be called.