[hatari-devel] Debugger an 32 bit addresses

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Eero, in breakcond.c, I see in BreakCond_CheckAddress() many checks to validate an address to be used as indirect condition for a cpu breakpoint.

I think we could save the whole job of checking some memory ranges by letting BreakCond_ReadSTMemory() read any address it's given in the breakpoint condition, as this will call STMemory_Readxxx() functions and those functions will handle 24/32 bit mode as well as all memory regions.

So, I think we could remove this :

   bit23 = (addr >> 23) & 1;
   highbyte = (addr >> 24) & 0xff;
   if ((bit23 == 0 && highbyte != 0) ||
       (bit23 == 1 && highbyte != 0xff)) {
fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: address 0x%x 23th bit isn't extended to bits 24-31.\n", addr);
   /* use a 24-bit address */
   addr &= 0x00ffffff;
   if ((addr > STRamEnd && addr < 0xe00000) ||
       (addr >= 0xff0000 && addr < 0xff8000)) {
           EXITFUNC(("-> false (CPU)\n"));
           return false;
   EXITFUNC(("-> true (CPU)\n"));
   return true;

and use instead :

if (addr > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
        EXITFUNC(("-> false (CPU)\n"));
        return false;
EXITFUNC(("-> true (CPU)\n"));
return true;

The less we use constant memory regions start/end address in different places, the easier it will be to maintain.

What do you think ?


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