Re: [hatari-devel] TERE RA'I is out, so I'm back ;)

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On Wed, 10 Dec 2014, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:

nice demo ! I tested it with Hatari 1.8 and latest dev version, the sound is quite broken, but apart from that it seems to work.

But you cheated a little, you avoided rasters and timers because they don't work well under Hatari, but now that the cpu core has a better nearly cycle exact 68020/030 cpu emulation, you have no excuse for not improving the Videl emulation ;-)


yep very nice demo.

However rasters on Falcon is a bad idea. On VGA screens it's close to impossible to get a raster interrupt early enough in the scanline, so it will happen out on visible screen. No borders and twice the h-freq..

That's bad, but not the worst thing; the Videl have a bug so when you update the CLUT during visible screen it produces "snow pixels" that goes through all graphics and even on empty screen space.

So rasters isn't very usable on Falcon unless you go RGB/TV-only and make very sure it's done out in non-visible space.

Anders Eriksson

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