Re: [hatari-devel] New version of WinUAE's cpu core

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Le 20/11/2014 22:35, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :

A test version of the new cpu core based on WinUAE 2.8.1 is available,
at least :)

You can get it here :


since there was no negative feedbacks about severe regressions with the test version, I committed my changes to the main HG repo after syncing with the recent commits.

From my tests, everything seems to compile fine with old uae-cpu core and new winuae core (2.8.1).

Let me know if you see something unusual.

For next step, I plan to sync with latest WinUAE 2.9 beta sources. Not many changes to expect, as I already imported some of them, but it should fix a few MMU cases and some cycles computation, as well as removing some special cases I handled while waiting for their inclusion in WinUAE.

At this point, we should have a more stable base to work with.

PS : note that winuae's cpu compilation still has a high level of warnings/errors reporting, I will change this latter when it's not needed anymore for debugging.


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