Re: [hatari-devel] Bug in Hatari FDC emulation |
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Le 15/12/2014 20:26, Roger Burrows a écrit :
And you can't detect any transition, as I found out during EmuTOS development, which is why I know about it. I have been working on adding media change detection via the floppy VBL handler, and my code worked fine on Hatari, but not on real hardware. This caused me a lot of confusion ... of course, now I understand what's happening, I can fix things so EmuTOS works on real hardware too.
Yes, it's a shame the WD1772 doesn't report this eject/insert status as it exists on the drive itself.
I will add a change for this later for better accuracy, but I don't think some programs are not working because of this.I agree, it's unlikely. BTW, the info in FDC.C about status only being returned for type I commands was very useful - thanks!
When working on FDC support for ipf/stx for 1.8.0, I wrote several programs and spent dozens of hours trying to accurately measure all possible scenario for status/timings I could think of and to document them in the code once for all (because you never know how long the real floppy on my STF will last, so you'd better use it now while it works :) ). Glad it can be useful.
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