Re: [hatari-devel] looking for someone with a mono monitor

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Le 06/11/2014 22:06, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
I've always trusted Alien's research on that topic (else I would've
expected people to use any difference to 60Hz to open a different height
top border), but you're correct that it should be verified.

Now done. It's line 34, same as 60Hz.

that's the value already used in Hatari, thanks for confirming it.

By the way, in mono mode, a line is 224 cycles, display stops at cycle 160 and starts at cycle 0 ; so this should mean there's no left border, only a right one (if we compare with behaviour of low/med res) ? But still on picture of an ST with a mono monitor, the image is centered and there're black left/right borders around the gem desktop for example.

Do you have an explanation for this ?


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