Re: [hatari-devel] Blitter / IDE issue with Hatari |
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Le 28/09/2014 23:34, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
The IO stuff produces so much output that it makes trace unreadable for just a quick look of what happens.
In my experience, logs often produce too much output anyway ; for a quick look, it's always better to add "| grep" to filter only the useful infos.
Also, you don't need to put a LOG when there's a bus error, M68000_BusError() already does this, and it's more a CPU level LOG than an IDE level LOG, so we don't need to print it with LOG_IDE.Why the original code had there extra printfs?
Can't say, maybe it was more for debugging purpose when writing/testing ide.c It's quite unlikely that any correct program will access memory above $ff0040 ; even so, having just a log in m68000.c should be enough for such rare cases.
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