[hatari-devel] 1.8.0 Video recording cropping

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just a short notice about 1.8.0 video recording. It appears to crop the video wrong. So I did some tests with both 1.7.0 and 1.8.0 to make sure. Max resolution were set to 416x288 and 832x576 (pixel double).

The recorded frame sizes:

1.8.0: 416x268 and 832x540
1.7.0: 416x276 and 832x552

So 1.7.0 saves the entire visible frame with all scanlines (and even two extra at the bottom) while 1.8.0 cuts away some lines, and even different amount of lines depending on max res setting.

Of course recording is with "Crop statusbar" checked. So maybe there are some calcs that goes wrong now with the bigger statusbar?

Anders Eriksson
ae@xxxxxx     http://www.dhs.nu/
ae@xxxxxxxxx  http://www.atari.org/

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