Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 1.8.0 has been released

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Le 07/08/2014 17:13, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
- Tymewarp (cpu, bus error)

This still bus errors for me on start if I use TOS 1.04, it starts
only with STE TOS (and even then it's easy to get to crash, switch
some songs and then start playing + do unexpected input).  Is this

tested on my 520 stf, the demo crashes too just after the few notes at the start ,because it access non existing HW registers. So, despite what is written at, I think this demo doesn't work on STF and is STE/Mega ST only (maybe falcon too ?)

As for the random crashes, I guess it could be a bug in the demo too, but I can't verify on my STE yet. Do you get crash by moving mouse or just pressing keys very fast ?

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