Re: [hatari-devel] OSX corrections.

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Am Thu, 7 Aug 2014 20:00:01 +0200
schrieb Miguel Saro <miguel.saro@xxxxxxx>:

> Bonsoir,
> First, thank’s to Nicolas for its help on hg and patch.
> OSx part  of  Hatari, Three corrections.
> Required Xcode build settings: 	 SDK 10.9	OSx
> deployement target   10.5
> 1- correction of values sent back by NSAlert (my bug !!)
> 2- Resolving differences between localized files:  infoPlist.strings,
> Localizable.strings, SDLMain.nib 3- "default folder choice"
> correction (for config file).  cfg file can be read-writed anywhere,
> but you can select the default folder directly.

Thanks for the patch ... however, some "binary" files are missing again:

$ grep Binary ThreeDiff.diff 
Binary file src/gui-osx/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings has changed
Binary file src/gui-osx/French.lproj/InfoPlist.strings has changed
Binary file src/gui-osx/French.lproj/Localizable.strings has changed

Could you please provide them separately?

By the way, looking at these files, it seems like these are normal text
files, just encoded with UTF-16 ... would it be possible to use UTF-8
for these instead? Then it would be much easier to include them in
patch files...


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