Re: [hatari-devel] OS X performance problem

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I'm still working on the Hatari-based NeXT emulator Previous. I'd be very interested to move to SDL2!
If anyone is interested in helping me, that would be very appreciated! As a side effect it would make it possible to see how well it works before doing the same for Hatari.

Am 29.05.2014 um 13:51 schrieb Jerome Vernet <vernet.jerome@xxxxxxxxxx>:

> Le 29/05/14 11:06, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
>> What SDL version you have? From earlier discussions on this topic, it seems that SDL backend for OSX works differently (badly) compared to backends on other platforms, but that might be specific to older SDL versions. - Eero 
> I'm unning a personnal build of SDL 1.2.15 (with full screen support for 10.6).
> What about going to SDL 2 ?
> I moved to SDL 1.3 for another emulator (VirtualT ) with almost no effort.
> JV

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