Re: [hatari-devel] "Fantasia" & "Odd stuff" demos crash at start?

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Le 15/05/2014 23:56, Nicolas Pomarède a écrit :
Le 15/05/2014 23:36, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

Paolo's Panic:

Shows pretty horrible flicker, which I don't remember
happening when I tried it earlier (in 2008 I think,
based on file timestamp :)).

Yes, there must be a regression in some overscan emulation, should be
easy to fix.

The problem was related to some video timings, but it's not that easy to fix at the moment, because it requires 2 cycle precision in the CPU emulation (and all cycles are rounded to 4 for now, because it's the most common case in STF/STE).

I added a temporary hack, so the demo will run at least, but it should be reworked with a complete new cpu emulation after 1.8 is released.

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