Re: [hatari-devel] OSx problems

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Am Sat, 31 May 2014 17:24:05 -0500
schrieb Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Thomas,
> I know that you want patch files in order to commit the changes.
> Since Jerome is busy, could you give me information on how to create
> the appropriate patch files?


the problem is not that I/we urgently want patch files, but that you
normally can not track changes by different people if you just get the
plain files. For example, if Jerome did his modifications in december,
and there were updates to the official Hatari repository between
december and now, I would overwrite the updates if I'd blindly copy
Jerome's files over.

However, I just had a look and there were hardly any changes to the
gui-osx folder in the past month, only my own little update concerning
the ACSI hard disk changes. These were still wrong in Jerome's
version, but I think I managed to fix it there too. So I've now pushed
Jerome's latest version (together with some cleanups, and of course the
translation updates to French.lproj and English.lproj) to the
repository. Could you please update to the latest hg version and check
whether it still compiles and works as expected?


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