[hatari-devel] Recent code updates?

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Nicolas, I was browsing through recent mercurial log and have some
questions related to your updates.

Your code comments mentioning of things that work now.
At least "Tyme Warp" seems to be missing from release notes
and compatibility list.  Is there also something else?

You added PC printing to X/Bios/Gemdos traces.  Shouldn't
PC be be shown for the trap, not the instruction after it?

(I tested adding PC printing also for VDI & AES, traces, but VDI calls
are mainly done from same place in TOS and PC makes the call info
itself less readable, so I though to leave that out.)

Maybe it would make more sense to add PC address to warning messages
about things that the emulated code does:
	grep LOG_WARN $(find src/ -name '*.[ch]')

Maybe also do same for similar Log_Printf() & stderr outputs...

Now that Hatari supports additional image formats:

Do any of those formats contain enough games or other stuff that
would work also from .ST and .MSA disks, that it make sense to add
to "hmsa" tool support for converting STX etc into .ST format?

	- Eero

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