Re: [hatari-devel] Re: Interesting sound problems with Hatari?

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----- Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
> Hi,
> I've patched hatari to enable the zeroing of the dac only when n > 0 (as 
> Doug suggested) and I'm zeroing all the values between the current 
> position and the next one (if n > 1).
> Doug and David, can you tell me if everything seems OK to you in this 
> little patch ?
> David, I'll add your FIFO patch later, because I didn't noticed any 
> change in the sound problem when I applied it and I'd like to understand 
> where the problem comes from before applying patches.

I only recently got a fast enough computer to test the Falcon, so I'm
not familiar with which programs to use for testing Falcon sound.
That is why I wanted others to test my patch. Please tell me which
programs to use when testing the Falcon. I believe that improving the
Falcon sound is as simple as getting down to work.

> Something I noticed tonight : when I launch racer (current developping 
> release ;)  and I get the noisy music, I press F12 to go to hatari GUI, 
> then I change the sound to another frequency and the noise seems to 
> disapear (I get a clean music). If I return to the original frequency 
> (50 khz for my settings), the sound stays clean.
> This may mean that the problem is not into the crossbar emulation (as I 
> just press F12 (hatari gui) and return to emulation, there's no crossbar 
> settings involved here), but it may comes from a SDL sound synchro problem ?
> Anybody can confirm that ?
> Regards
> Laurent

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