Re: [hatari-devel] Comment : disable RTC by default ?

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Le 11/05/2014 16:02, Troed Sångberg a écrit :
Follow the hardware. As Bob says - if the default system had an RTC it
should be available by default, else not.

This actually surprised me when I started moving images between my
Dallas DS1216 equipped STE (where I have a bootsector that synchronises
the internal clock as well as patches a Y2K fix into TOS) and Hatari.
Had to go hunting in the settings to turn Hataris emulation of RTC off.


On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 3:54 PM, Bob Carpenter <hatari@xxxxxxxxxx
<mailto:hatari@xxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:


    I probably do not care about this. However, would it be possible to
    add additional machine types in the Hatari preferences to include
    all of the major systems (ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT, Falcon)
    and have the real time clock checked when you selected the proper
    machine that has one? I agree that it is easy to check the box, but
    I know I do not know which systems contained a real time clock.

    I do not know if it is worth the effort because I do not know how
    many applications, games, or demos depend on the real time clock. I
    would hate to have someone try to debug a problem only to find out
    the problem existed because the real time clock was not turned on
    and it existed on their system.

Problem is that Mega STF/STE is not really emulated in Hatari as a stand alone machine.

This would require :
 - FPU mc68881
 - reg ff8e21 with 8/16 Mhz and data cache
 - HD floppy
 - RTC
 - HD emul

Some of these are already available as separate options, but it's true we never did a stand alone "mega st" option.

If someone feels like adding it (at least a basic skeleton, I think we can keep the same ioMemTabST and ioMemTabSTE and just add some specific cases for the registers of the Mega) ? Else it can be done later.

In the meantime, I will revert the default to "false" for RTC ; with Troed example and with "Stax compil 65", it's more likely to break other things and our primary audience for emulation is certainly people who will run STF/STE demos or games.


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