Re: [hatari-devel] Comment : disable RTC by default ?

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I probably do not care about this. However, would it be possible to add additional machine types in the Hatari preferences to include all of the major systems (ST, Mega ST, STE, Mega STE, TT, Falcon) and have the real time clock checked when you selected the proper machine that has one? I agree that it is easy to check the box, but I know I do not know which systems contained a real time clock.

I do not know if it is worth the effort because I do not know how many applications, games, or demos depend on the real time clock. I would hate to have someone try to debug a problem only to find out the problem existed because the real time clock was not turned on and it existed on their system.

Bob C

On May 11, 2014, at 6:32 AM, Nicolas Pomarède <npomarede@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello
> I found a weird case on "Stax compilation 65" where the call to TOS function "super" (enter/exit supervisor mode) will crash when the Mega ST real time clock is enabled (it changes the content of $37ca and this messes with another TOS' counter for the VBL).
> As it's likely to cause similar problem on other programs (demos, game loaders, ...) we don't know yet, I'd like to change the default value of "bRealTimeClock" to false. Any user that requires it cas still enable it in the System menu.
> This should give a better "out of the box" experience by matching the hardware of a standard STF/STE
> Any objection ?
> Nicolas

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