[hatari-devel] debug part doesn't build if DSP_EMU=0 |
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HelloI noticed that if "ENABLE_DSP_EMU" is not defined, then debugdsp.c is not included in libDebug.a, but the problem is that breakcond.c is still having reference to the functions in debugdsp.c :
debug/libDebug.a(breakcond.c.obj):breakcond.c:(.rdata+0x17d8): undefined reference to `DebugDsp_InstrCount'
debug/libDebug.a(breakcond.c.obj):breakcond.c:(.rdata+0x1800): undefined reference to `DebugDsp_OpcodeType'
(this is when building the windows version, but problem is the same for linux)
Some "#ifdef ENABLE_DSP_EMU" should be added in breakcond.c (or some dummy functions when DSP is off).
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