Re: [hatari-devel] YM2149 register dump from Hatari debugger

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Here is a similiar topic from atari-forum:

Re: YM recording unstable

Make a Raw Data YM2149 sound file specification:

- 4 Bytes for file identifier (magic)
- 2 Bytes for file Header size (Header can be zero length).
- Header Bytes {
song titles, copyright, whatever
- 4 Bytes time since last sample in microseconds
- 1 Byte for YM register number
- 1 Byte for YM register data
- 4 Bytes time since last sample in microseconds
- 1 Byte for YM register number
- 1 Byte for YM register data

(note: the last sample is not played, but the 'time' value is used)

In Hatari, the Sound_WriteReg( int reg , Uint8 data ) function
could produce the data.

----- Matthias Arndt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was experimenting with Ym2149 sound effects lately, including the
> construction of input for XBIOS 32. I needed a quick method of seeing
> what values have been written to the YM2149 lately and I simply added a
> callback to the debugger info command:
> CPU=$35ab0, VBL=46425, FrameCycles=68, HBL=0, LineCycles=68, DSP=N/A
> $035ab0 : 6606                                 bne.s     $35ab8
> > info ym2149
> YM2149 register contents
> Reg $00 : $00
> Reg $01 : $00
> Reg $02 : $00
> Reg $03 : $00
> Reg $04 : $00
> Reg $05 : $00
> Reg $06 : $00
> Reg $07 : $FF
> Reg $08 : $00
> Reg $09 : $00
> Reg $0A : $00
> Reg $0B : $00
> Reg $0C : $00
> Reg $0D : $00
> Reg $0E : $27
> Reg $0F : $00
> > c
> Returning to emulation...
> I have attached the small patch, please review and include if ok. It is
> probably of not much use to most of us but some may have a benefit ;)
> Regards,
> Matthias
> -- 

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