Re: [hatari-devel] OSx problems

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Hi Miguel,

Welcome here !

Some of you last changes was added (I think, I send them to the list a while back, but do not check if they was added or not), I'm not using same sources as in the Mercurial repo.
Bob (Carpenter) and I will be happy to test all your improvements !


On 31/05/14 20:26, Cocoa Pod wrote:
Bonjour  to all !
it's my first message. (sorry for my english, I'm french)
I compile under OSx 10.7.5. (sometimes 10.8.5) with "./configure, make, make instal" (with SDL 1.2.5)


1  many  "deprecated methods"

running  STE, 68010, TOS 2.06 fr,  4 Mo ram, GEMDOS drive (C,D,E,F):
2  always crash during reset which follows preference screen resizing!
3  Sometimes crash when I close hatari
4  Preferences are put in ~/.hatari/hatari.cfg but  OSx better location would be  "~/Library/Application Support/Hatari/hatari.cfg"
5  Many sentences are not localized
6 Default paths are not set in many  file-folder selectors at opening (preferences window).

I think I solved 1, 2, 4, 6,  and I added many french localizations.
To do that i modified all files in gui-osx and file paths.c. All other files are as in distribution.

Is anyone interested to try my work or  where I have to send these modified files ?

Cocoa Pod

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