Re: [hatari-devel] breakpoint on CALL_SUBRETURN condition doesn't work ?

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Le 09/04/2014 23:21, Eero Tamminen a écrit :
I easily reached the limit by tracing through a game's
protection, I think it could be raised to 200 or so.

What for you would need that many *active* breakpoints?

Just managing that large number of them is pain, listing
them would take many screens of output...

I typically use each breakpoint only once so I use ":once"
option for them, and I script debugging session with chained
breakpoints so that one breakpoint enables tracing of certain
things and next one disables them etc.

I needed to trace through a rather complex game protection, adding breakpoints one after the other, with many subroutines, so 16 breakpoints is not enough. If it doesn't add an exponential overhead I would suggest to raise the limit to 200 or so.


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