You're right again ;)
I should have taken more time before replying.
In Racer, I use byte values most of the time, that's why it works.
And of course, it didn't work when I used long values.
Here are the results of the 2 tests :
1st test :
Under Falcon:
move.l #$ffeeddcc,$ffff8240.w
D1 ($ffff8240.w) = $0fee
D2 ($ffff8242.w) = $0dcc
Under hatari :
move.l #$ffeeddcc,$ffff8240.w
D1 ($ffff8240.w) = $ffee
D2 ($ffff8242.w) = $ddcc
2nd test :
Under Falcon:
move.l #$ffffffff,$ffff8240.w
D1 ($ffff8240.w) = $0fff
D2 ($ffff8242.w) = $0fff
Under hatari :
move.l #$ffffffff,$ffff8240.w
D1 ($ffff8240.w) = $ffff
D2 ($ffff8242.w) = $ffff
Don't hesitate to ask if you want me to make more tests or to test some
other registers that would help improving hatari.