Re: [hatari-devel] Re: [Emutos-devel] floppy issue |
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----- Eero Tamminen wrote:
> Hi,
> On lauantai 08 helmikuu 2014, Roger Burrows wrote:
> > On 7 Feb 2014 at 18:23, David Savinkoff wrote:
> > > I found that I cannot write files to Floppy Disk in Hatari when
> > > using EmuTOS
> David, what is the test program you're running on top of Hatari,
> or did you use just EmuCON?
I was simply doing a drag and drop H:\DESKTOP.ACC to
A:\ floppy disk and was met with every nasty bit of reluctance
and griping. I tried everything from permissions (Hatari+Linux)
to SELinux and Hatari's Create Blank Image.
Using Atari tos1.06us and tos2.06uk etc. worked as expected.
> > > (file has the name, but is 0 length).
> I just tried creating a file to floppy image which worked
> fine ("mkdir test2"), however, removing that didn't work,
> EmuTOS shell said that it got error -12. Both creating
> a file AND removing it succeeded though, although both
> showed also error -12. [1]
> Creating dir & removing it, worked as expected under Hatari's
> GEMDOS HD emulation, both when write protection was enabled
> and when it was disabled.
> [1] According to:
> 12 = General error. EmuTOS seems to generate this when
> floppy format is unknown or DMA fails. Is there anything
> peculiar in how EmuTOS does DMA? Are e.g. the DMA buffers
> valid?
> > > Is this a
> > > known problem with Hatari or EmuTOS or a new can o' worms?
> > > (I came across DOS errors 12 or 13 and 6 and maybe 3)
> 13 = device is write protected. This comes in EmuTOS when
> FDC_CS register has FDC_WRI_PRO bit set.
> Hatari has some write protection support, depending on Hatari
> configuration it can be on, off, or based on whether disk image
> is write protected. However, I thought it's not implemented
> for floppy images...
> 6 = seek error. Could happen e.g. is there's some problem in
> interpreting FAT, e.g. it's corrupted. [2]
> 3 = Unknown command. EmuTOS has define for this, but that define
> doesn't seem to be used anywhere. Sounds like EmuTOS bug?
> > Not known to me, but then I've never tried before. I confirm that it
> > doesn't work on a recent Hatari 1.7.x version. But it does work on
> > Hatari 1.6.1 and it works on real hardware, so maybe you should raise
> > the issue on the Hatari list.
> Did you use *exactly* the same floppy (image) contents
> for Hatari 1.7.x and real HW testing? [2]
> - Eero
> [2] I reported earlier several problems with EmuTOS when reading
> specific floppies, that normal TOS read just fine. See the december
> mails on subject:
> "EmuTOS problems with programs run from floppy images"