Re: [hatari-devel] Falcon raster emulation

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We don't want to reach cycle precision as on STF where it's required to do fullscreen, having a interrupt on every raster should be enough to improve a lot of things

I agree - the Falcon shouldn't be treated as a constant-time machine as with the ST, since trying to program it that way would produce unreliable results in the real world. 

However I also think the CPU cycle speed is secondary to the system clock structure - MFP, Videl and to an extent other bits.

The DSP is currently emulated with 'catchup' behaviour, subservient to the CPU. I imagine it's not so easy to do this with the CPU itself - especially if both Falcon and ST emulators are in the same design. But something like that is probably a better structure for Falcon emulation. It also more closely approximates what would happen if the CPU is changed or accelerated.


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