Re: [hatari-devel] Profiler question

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Hi all,

> Laurent had to do this recently so he probably remembers how. I've already forgotten the switch. :-)

Here is the opt line I use at start of my code :

            opt    p=68030/68882,NOCASE,D+,X+

One of the 2 last options is the magical one (which includes the labels in the PRG)



Le 01/10/2013 23:43, Douglas Little a écrit :

I used the gst2ascii tool to export symbols but now I realized it was useless because the symbols are read from the prg itself :) Having said that, it's even more strange then because it was a raw Devpac compile (to be sure I tried both vasm and Devpac).

If assembling with Devpac, and using '> symbols prg' to load symbols from the executable, make sure you enable the correct symbol format in Devpac's options. Laurent had to do this recently so he probably remembers how. I've already forgotten the switch. :-)
There's only one suspicious things, some labels were too long (>22 chars) and reported to be duplicated (i.e. the same label would point to >1 addresses). I could understand if the labels were somehow corrupted but not showing instructions at all? Eero, if you can give me some hints or if I can send you the binary for a test, I'm all ears :)

IIRC the long ones just get truncated. It does sound like perhaps the symbol format is wrong though?
Who knows, the project is fairly large (Running game), uses both DSP and CPU, ... I just wanted to have a quick look on its inner loops.

What happens when you do the following, do you get a sensible disassembly or just garbage data?

> profile save myprof.txt

I haven't used 'profile counts' for a long time so I can't remember what the output looks like. Eero may be able to help more with that one.


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