[hatari-devel] Profiler question

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I've got a problem to get the profiler showing some reasonable data. I've compiled the app by vasm, exported symbols, followed Hatari manual... when I want to finally see something:

- 0x282d8: dp_calc_sam (return = 0x28268)
- 0x282d8: dp_calc_sam (return = 0x28264)
- 0x282d8: dp_calc_sam (return = 0x28260)
- 0x282d8: dp_calc_sam (return = 0x2825c)
- 0x282a8: dp_swap_buffers (return = 0x2820a)
Allocated CPU profile address buffer (13 KB).
Normal RAM (0-0xE00000):
- active address range:
- active instruction addresses:
  2873 (100.00% of all)
- executed instructions:
  17700459 (100.00% of all)
- instruction cache misses:
  270156 (100.00% of all)
- used cycles:
  170191864 (100.00% of all)
  = 10.60882s
ROM TOS (0xE00000-0xE80000):
- no activity
Cartridge ROM (0xFA0000-0xFC0000):
- no activity

= 10.60882s

Cache misses per instruction, number of occurrences:
- 0: 17451036
- 1: 235377
- 2: 7359
- 3: 6687

CPU=$3262a, VBL=5633, FrameCycles=74, HBL=0, LineCycles=74, DSP=$537
> profile counts 8
addr:           count:
0x0387d2         3.59%  636015  DC.W      $b090
0x0387d4         3.59%  636015  DC.W      $67fc
0x037e58         2.60%  459881  DC.W      $0828
0x037e5e         2.60%  459881  DC.W      $660a
0x037e60         2.60%  459792  DC.W      $33fc
0x037e68         2.60%  459792  DC.W      $60ee
0x033616         1.45%  256320  DC.W      $3225
0x033618         1.45%  256320  DC.W      $6708
8 CPU addresses listed.

1. I can't believe there can be 100% instruction cache misses, that is just nonsense

2. most used stuff doesn't make any sense, too

Hatari console doesn't report any errors, I see the symbols are imported, everything all right. Am I missing something obvious here?

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes

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