Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari/EmuTOS Conflict

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On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 11:09 PM, David Savinkoff <dsavnkff@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I tested both developmental Hatari and EmuTOS and found that
Hatari Must be reset alt-r after loading the EmuTOS image when
(Hatari > System > Patch TOS for faster boot)
is Not selected. Otherwise EmuTOS takes a Long time to boot
And the mouse cursor does not move in Hatari.

Furthermore, The latest Hatari Must be reset after
loading the EmuTOS 0.8.5 image even when
(Hatari > System > Patch TOS for faster boot)
IS selected.

Thus, Hatari Must be unconditionally reset after loading
the EmuTOS image.

Atari ROMs work flawlessly of course.

Hatari/EmuTOS tested with etos256us.img and etos256uk.img images.

Which hatari version are you using?


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