Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari 1.7.0 has been released

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On Mon, 24 Jun 2013, Jerome Vernet wrote:

Le 24/06/13 21:48, Anders Eriksson a écrit :
On Mon, 24 Jun 2013, Jerome Vernet wrote:


just tested it on OS X v10.8.4 (Macbook Pro 2011, Quad i7), works fine, however the Falcon build with WinUAE CPU is not there.
Yes: the Winuae core do not build on MacOsX... At all.

The only one working is the old core.

As I don't know where is the state of this core, I never tried more than that to see why it do not build.


Ok, so things have changed since 1.6.2 so WinUAE CPU has stopped to compile? In the old days (while Hatari still compiled at all on my box) I edited the CMakeCache.txt so it would use WinUAE instead of UAE, it worked OK then.

I'd give it a try now, but with 10.8 and Xcode 4.3 it doesn't even build the normal stuff. And I'm the wrong person to debug that shit. Give me SMC 68k and cycle counting any day, but C and big Makefiles gives me headaches in a second.

cmake .

CMake Error: Parse error in cache file /Users/ae/Downloads/h/hatari-1.7.0/CMakeCache.txt. Offending entry: /SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk


Anders Eriksson

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