Re: [hatari-devel] "profile stack" command added

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On lauantai 01 kesäkuu 2013, Eero Tamminen wrote:
> I also added arg showing for rest of non-MiNT GEMDOS calls when
> doing GEMDOS tracing, so now one could use this to track e.g.
> memory allocations from TOS:
> --- debugger commands ---
> profile on
> symbols prg
> # Maxalloc, Malloc, Mfree, Mshrink
> b  GemdosOpcode = 0x44  :noinit :quiet :file showcallers.ini
> b  GemdosOpcode = 0x48  :noinit :quiet :file showcallers.ini
> b  GemdosOpcode = 0x49  :noinit :quiet :file showcallers.ini
> b  GemdosOpcode = 0x4A  :noinit :quiet :file showcallers.ini
> continue
> --- showcallers.ini ---
> profile stack
> b pc = "NextPC"  :noinit :quiet :file showretval.ini

Sorry, this should have also ":once" option, otherwise you
might run out of breakpoints...

Unrelated question.  Why in cart_asm.s:
; This is the cartridge header:
        dc.l    $ABCDEF42           ; C-FLAG (magic value)
        dc.l    $00000000           ; C-NEXT
        dc.l    sys_init+$08000000  ; C-INIT - flag has bit 3 set = before 
disk boot, but after GEMDOS init

$08000000 is added to sys_init address?  What's the flag bit 3?

When TOS goes through cartridge code and jumps to that address
(which does linea_init variable setup for Hatari), PC gets an "illegal"
address value.  Emulation itself masks the extra bits off from the
address, but profiling code throws a fit about it when I profile
TOS startup...

	- Eero

> --- showretval.ini ---
> e d0
> -------------------
> 	- Eero
> [1] By default breakpoints re-initialize debugger state,
>     which would reset profiling callstack.

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