Re: [hatari-devel] Structures in Hatari according to pahole

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Le 16/06/2013 19:50, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :

Why it's compiled into Hatari binary?

I started it 2 years ago. I wished I could finish it but I didn't have
the time and I went on the crossbar and other stuff.
The code is not complete, but I did a lot of tests on the part I coded
and it seemed to work (loops, maths, ...)

The main effort would be the serial or parallal bus to implement there


note that to have the IKBD ROM works with native hd6301, it also requires timer ; the original IKBD ROM uses timer to handle in/out buffer and mouse updates, so just adding the IO functions would not be enough to make it work for Atari.


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