Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari/EmuTOS Conflict

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On lauantai 08 kesäkuu 2013, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> On 08/06/2013 11:20, Vincent Rivière wrote:
> > This is very worrying.
> > EmuTOS 0.9.1 is about to be released.
> > Hatari is a friend project, so if there is a major bug, it must be
> > fixed before the release, at the appropriate place.
> > 
> > The latest EmuTOS CVS snapshot (including binaries) can be found there:
> >

I quickly tested RAM, floppy, 192k, 256k and 512k versions of that CVS
snapshot and they seem to work fine with Hatari HG tip.

(With WinUAE CPU core, neither EmuTOS nor normal TOS boot up in ST/STE mode,
but it's not expected to be used with ST/STE modes yet, so that shouldn't be
a problem for a release, it just makes things more explicit...)

> from your point of view, is this a bug in latest Hatari or in Emutos ?
> As Hatari 1.7 is very closed to release, if the bug is in Hatari we
> should fix it.

Current EmuTOS v0.9.0 release, that came after v0.8.7, works fine
(512k, 256k and 192k images).

I've also tested 512k EmuTOS versions from 0.8.3 to 0.8.7 and they all
exhibit the problem.

*If* those older versions didn't work on real HW either, I don't think
there's anything in Hatari to fix, EmuTOS was buggy and one should anyway
always use the latest EmuTOS version (there's not much point in using
older versions of EmuTOS as there's no Atari software that's specific to
some old EmuTOS version, like is the case with normal TOS).

This issue could be mentioned in the Hatari release notes though.

As to EmuTOS bootup taking a long time with accurate FDC emulation,
that's a known EmuTOS issue.  With floppy, it takes 4.6s, without
floppy, a pathetic 34.6s.  Normal TOS takes in both cases about 3 secs.

I have posted profiles about that to EmuTOS mailing list.

When there's no floppy, EmuTOS boot does mostly following:
  19.62%                6859             _int_timerc
   5.90%                2062             _int_vbl
   5.37%   5.37%        1878      1878   _flopvbl
   5.37%   5.38%        1876      1880   _blink
   5.18%   5.21%        1812      1820   ___mulsi3
   4.91%   4.91%        1715      1715   _sndirq
   4.91%   4.91%        1715      1715   _kb_timerc_int
Executed instructions:
  93.92%  94.67%  94.91%    21554496  21725239  21781027   _timeout_gpip
   1.15%   1.16%   1.25%      264918    266618    286994   _draw_rect

Used cycles:
  93.46%  94.72%  94.98%   259146228 262639048 263369004   _timeout_gpip

Of which most is here:
$e06db2 :  move.b    $fffffa01.w,d1    15.65% (3591583, 57532428)
$e06db6 :  btst      #5,d1             15.65% (3591583, 43211200)
$e06dba :  beq.s     $e06dca           15.65% (3591583, 28807540)
$e06dbc :  move.l    $4ba,d1           15.65% (3591599, 71896676)
$e06dc2 :  cmp.l     d1,d0             15.65% (3591599, 28836668)
$e06dc4 :  bgt.s     $e06db2           15.65% (3591599, 28797636)

	- Eero

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