Re: [hatari-devel] Most wanted debugger/profiler feature or convenience? |
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> I'm not sure if the 'dspinfo' thing was added to show DSP stack state?
> This is definitely useful.
Hatari statusbar doesn't have space for multiple LEDs, so the current
LED needs to be shared. Disk access is probably only thing that users
expect it to be show, so it should be configurable what the LED is
How short? Could it be fixed size (e.g. 20), or does it need to
be configurable?
> A status flag showing when the blitter gets in activated in HOG mode vs
> non-HOG can help find blitter bugs in code which uses mixed modes in lots
> of places (like a game). A status query in the debugger for addresses
> which activated the blitter in each mode would be useful here.
Note that Hatari already has support for tracing Blitter control register
writes ("trace blitter" in debugger, "--trace blitter" on cmd line).
> Another useful thing for blitter problems - having the debugger
> notice/alert when the blitter HW registers (other than busy bit) are
> modified while the blitter is running. That's usually a disaster, and can
> be hard to find (Far better avoided in the first place with tidy code,
> but then why do you need a debugger? :).
I guess there could be a warning message about this, if that really isn't
something that shouldn't happen. Otherwise it should be a DEBUG messages
that isn't shown at default log level.
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