[hatari-devel] Re: BM407 + symbols |
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When looking at the generated caller information for that symbol:
callee: caller: calls: calltype:
| | | /
0x379: 0x155 = 144 r, 0x283 = 112 b, 0x2ef = 112 b, 0x378 = 72 s
583236/359708265/1631189180 72/4419020/19123430, end_addwall
| | |
inclusive costs exclusive costs callee name
(for calls from 0x378 address)
- b: jump/branch
- n: PC just moved to next address
- r: subroutine return
- s: subroutine call
It claims that most "calls" to "end_addwall" were subroutine call
returns (=r) to it from address 0x155. Which is true as previous
instruction at 0x378 was subroutine call, and return from that
call returns to 0x379:
p:0155 00000c (04 cyc) rts
p:0378 0f7130 (04 cyc) jsgt p:$0130
p:0379 699b00 (02 cyc) move y:$001b,r1
I can see that from "end_addwall" we always end in "end_dummy_addwall"
which leads to "command_base", which none of them have RTS:
When exactly subroutine calls to "end_addwall" will actually
lead to RTS? And will it do that twice when "end_addwall"
gets subroutine call to from previous instruction?
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