Re: [hatari-devel] Prefetch issue on 68000?

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On tiistai 19 helmikuu 2013, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> > Currently I wouldn't count so much on WinUAE core as its "cycle exact"
> > cycles returned by Cycles_GetCounter(CYCLES_COUNTER_CPU) are more bogus
> > (often there's zero diff from previous instruction) than the old UAE
> > core provided ones.  :-/
> WinUAE's 68000 cycle exact mode is correct ; the fact that
> Cycles_GetCounter (which is Hatari specific, not WinUAE) doesn't return
> correct values sometimes is a problem in the Falcon's mode
> implementation, not in WinUAE.

What increments the CPU counter?  Any idea why it wouldn't be
incremented on Falcon emulation for WinUAE core?

	- Eero

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