Re: [hatari-devel] Hatari profiler updates and DSP cycle questions

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Hi Laurent,
For the external access to memory, my code in hatari does the following :

In memory access, I count the number of access to external memory in nb_access_to_extMemory

Then, in the main loop, I do :

        /* Add the waitstate due to external memory access */
        if (nb_access_to_extMemory > 1)
                dsp_core.instr_cycle += nb_access_to_extMemory - 1;

Do you think I should replace it with

        /* Add the waitstate due to external memory access */
        if (nb_access_to_extMemory > 1)
                dsp_core.instr_cycle += nb_access_to_extMemory*2 - 2;

Yes - in terms of 32MHz oscillator cycles it seems there should be a +2 penalty for each additional external memory reference (the first one being free).

So I believe your correction above is needed, yes. i.e. 

  ext_ref_penalty = (num_ext_ref - 1) * 2

I don't quite understand how the current formula (+1) could yield the figures I saw in the DSP test under Hatari though. That looks like a separate issue perhaps? The test itself is raced against a 200Hz TimerC, so it is a 'real time' measurement of the DSP performance with changes to external memory reference patterns only...


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