[hatari-devel] CACR / write-allocate flag problem? |
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- To: hatari-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Subject: [hatari-devel] CACR / write-allocate flag problem?
- From: Douglas Little <doug694@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2013 17:52:43 +0000
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=googlemail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:x-received:date:message-id:subject:from:to :content-type; bh=8DwnI2kNrvQu49bIzWh01HXQmgF9SfEO6apjDiFwNHQ=; b=ZepiMZFEcXoF6DCvPfR8JyFK+cT2MyHbGqYHKL/qTYxvn+v/zetE+z3HsMeWmpNH32 zyO76pYxuwX+O+WETxyINGdbrF+/ynTGRYgooyodmmExIQOhLS/MGBzwXDwMi2pRgSi6 WxSFX+aNv7ldL5JNH9u+eIkGxQNYuL7r8Pzjz6VAzGy7Gn2hNjkNdAZ+3neN6tzDViOM 38scPJjER5aZuK12lArav9BflBYqH0D4q6dUFkcY0pT1AUkXjnCdrpZ63jRJjaEvemuz yAYJvK0/AFgC0rBqvp5/qPjleVMyz14ymVmqtDHep4DSCf7Eyw/iNRucL/vuC8EhpK6J K7sQ==
I noticed recently that setting the write-allocate flag (bit 13) on the 68030's CACR causes my program to crash 100% of the time under Hatari (usually with 3 bombs), whereas the same code runs properly on a real Falcon. The Hatari-emulated system becomes unstable after setting this flag and the needs to be restarted before any more tests can be run...
It's not getting in my way but I thought it would be worth mentioning while the UAE cache stuff is being looked at...