Re: Fwd: Re: [hatari-devel] Re: [hatari-users] DSP emulation - MPY #immediate

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Please find the requested trace attached!


On 28 January 2013 18:53, Laurent Sallafranque <laurent.sallafranque@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Would you please do the following :

In the debugger :
 b pc=text:once

start your program

Returning to emulation for 10 CPU instructions...
Freed previous CPU profile buffers.
Allocated CPU profile buffer (87 MB).
Freed previous DSP profile buffers.
Allocated DSP profile buffer (768 KB).
p:00cf  209800         (02 cyc)  move x0,n0                                        0.00% (1, 2)
p:00d0  20bc00         (02 cyc)  move x1,n4                                        0.00% (1, 2)
p:00d1  46e800         (04 cyc)  move x:(r0+n0),y0                                 0.00% (1, 2)
p:00d2  47ec55         (04 cyc)  cmp y0,a x:(r4+n4),y1                             0.00% (1, 4)
p:00d3  0af0af 0000de  (06 cyc)  jle p:$00de                                       0.00% (1, 4)
p:00d5  200075         (02 cyc)  cmp y1,a                                          0.00% (1, 6)
p:00d6  0af0af 0000fc  (06 cyc)  jle p:$00fc                                       0.00% (1, 2)
p:00d8  209f00         (02 cyc)  move x0,n7                                        0.00% (1, 6)
p:00d9  21be00         (02 cyc)  move b1,n6                                        0.00% (1, 2)
p:00da  556f18         (04 cyc)  add a,b b1,x:(r7+n7)                              0.00% (1, 2)
p:00db  4c6e00         (04 cyc)  move x0,y:(r6+n6)                                 0.00% (1, 4)
p:00dc  0af080 000109  (06 cyc)  jmp p:$0109                                       0.00% (1, 4)
p:0109  47ea13         (04 cyc)  clr a x:(r2+n2),y1                                0.00% (1, 6)
p:010a  20fa75         (02 cyc)  cmp y1,a y1,n2                                    0.00% (1, 4)
p:010b  0e20c1         (04 cyc)  jne p:$00c1                                       0.00% (1, 2)
p:010c  6f9c00         (02 cyc)  move y:$001c,r7                                   0.00% (1, 4)
p:010d  0aa981 00010d  (06 cyc)  jclr #1,x:$ffe9,p:$010d                           0.00% (1, 2)
p:010f  57670b         (02 cyc)  tst b b,x:(r7)                                    0.00% (1, 6)
p:0110  0af0aa 00013a  (06 cyc)  jeq p:$013a                                       0.00% (1, 2)
p:0112  4e8100         (02 cyc)  move y:$0001,y0                                   0.00% (1, 6)
p:0113  240051         (02 cyc)  tfr y0,a #$00,x0                                  0.00% (1, 2)
p:0114  4d9b36         (02 cyc)  neg a y:$001b,x1                                  0.00% (1, 2)
p:0115  4d9160         (02 cyc)  add x1,a y:$0011,x1                               0.00% (1, 2)
p:0116  02b040         (02 cyc)  tmi x0,a                                          0.00% (1, 2)
p:0117  21c400         (02 cyc)  move a,x0                                         0.00% (1, 2)
p:0118  223fa0         (02 cyc)  mpy +x1,x0,a r1,n7                                0.00% (1, 2)
p:0119  210400         (02 cyc)  move a0,x0                                        0.00% (1, 2)
p:011a  69b680         (02 cyc)  mpy +x0,x0,a y:$0036,r1                           0.00% (1, 2)
p:011b  21c400         (02 cyc)  move a,x0                                         0.00% (1, 2)
p:011c  4d9b80         (02 cyc)  mpy +x0,x0,a y:$001b,x1                           0.00% (1, 2)
p:011d  21c400         (02 cyc)  move a,x0                                         0.00% (1, 2)
p:011e  4df0a0 000046  (04 cyc)  mpy +x1,x0,a y:$0046,x1                           0.00% (1, 2)
p:0120  21c400         (02 cyc)  move a,x0                                         0.00% (1, 4)
p:0121  4cf0a0 000047  (04 cyc)  mpy +x1,x0,a y:$0047,x0                           0.00% (1, 2)
p:0123  250040         (02 cyc)  add x0,a #$00,x1                                  0.00% (1, 4)
p:0124  02b060         (02 cyc)  tmi x1,a                                          0.00% (1, 2)
p:0125  4df000 000048  (04 cyc)  move y:$0048,x1                                   0.00% (1, 2)
p:0127  4c8e65         (02 cyc)  cmp x1,a y:$000e,x0                               0.00% (1, 4)
p:0128  023060         (02 cyc)  tpl x1,a                                          0.00% (1, 2)
p:0129  0aa981 000129  (06 cyc)  jclr #1,x:$ffe9,p:$0129                           0.00% (1, 2)
p:012b  566713         (02 cyc)  clr a a,x:(r7)                                    0.00% (1, 6)
p:012c  06cd00 000137  (06 cyc)  do b1,p:$0137                                     0.00% (1, 2)
p:012e  7cde00         (02 cyc)  move y:(r6)+,n4                                   0.00% (1, 6)
p:012f  238e00         (02 cyc)  move n4,a                                         0.00% (1, 2)
p:0130  70ec00         (04 cyc)  move x:(r4+n4),n0                                 0.00% (1, 2)
cpu video_cyc=    98  98@  0 : 00145F9E 2f3a 0004                MOVE.L (PC,$0004) == $00145fa4,-(A7)
p:0131  506c00         (04 cyc)  move a0,x:(r4+n4)                                 0.00% (1, 4)
p:0132  506800         (04 cyc)  move a0,x:(r0+n0)                                 0.00% (1, 4)
p:0133  230f44         (02 cyc)  sub x0,a n0,b                                     0.00% (1, 4)
p:0134  4e594c         (02 cyc)  sub x0,b y0,y:(r1)+                               0.00% (1, 2)
p:0135  0aa981 000135  (06 cyc)  jclr #1,x:$ffe9,p:$0135                           0.00% (1, 2)
Looping on DSP instruction at PC = $0135
cpu video_cyc=   108 108@  0 : 00145FA2 4e75                     RTS.L 
cpu video_cyc=   114 114@  0 : 00145FA8 11fc 0000 fa1b           MOVE.B #$00,$fffffa1b
cpu video_cyc=   122 122@  0 : 00145FAE 2f00                     MOVE.L D0,-(A7)
cpu video_cyc=   128 128@  0 : 00145FB0 3039 0024 b7de           MOVE.W $0024b7de,D0
cpu video_cyc=   132 132@  0 : 00145FB6 4a39 001d bd62           TST.B $001dbd62
cpu video_cyc=   136 136@  0 : 00145FBC 6702                     BEQ.B #$00000002 == $00145FC0 (T)
cpu video_cyc=   140 140@  0 : 00145FC0 5140                     SUB.W #$00000008,D0
cpu video_cyc=   142 142@  0 : 00145FC2 11c0 fa21                MOVE.B D0,$fffffa21
Allocated CPU profile address buffer (2 KB).
Normal RAM (0-0xE00000):
- active address range:
- active instruction addresses:
  10 (100.00% of all)
- executed instructions:
  10 (100.00% of all)
- used cycles:
  84 (100.00% of all)
- instruction cache misses:
  4 (100.00% of all)
Cartridge ROM (0xFA0000-0xFC0000):
- no activity
ROM TOS (0xE00000-0xE80000):
- no activity

Cache misses per instruction, number of occurrences:
- 0: 6
- 1: 4
- 2: 0
- 3: 0
Allocated DSP profile address buffer (1 KB).
DSP profile statistics (0x0-0xFFFF):
- active address range:
- active instruction addresses:
- executed instructions:
- used cycles:

CPU=$145fc6, VBL=43847, FrameCycles=148, HBL=0, LineCycles=148, DSP=$135

Mail converted by MHonArc 2.6.19+