Re: [hatari-devel] One bug, one warning, one :)

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On Wednesday 14 November 2012 14:23, Nicolas Pomarède wrote:
> On 14/11/2012 00:17, David Savinkoff wrote:
> > Attachment has comments.
> Hello,
> although you got different results after recompiling, here's what I see
> from Hextracker in my case (no mouse problem for me) :
> At start, it sends :
> IKBD_Cmd_TurnMouseOff
> IKBD_Cmd_DisableJoysticks
> IKBD_Cmd_RelMouseMode
> Then, you get (0xf8 dx dy) sequences while moving the mouse.
> Once "load mod" is pressed, this gives :
> send byte=0xfa delay=0        <- LMB pressed
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> Hextracker "restores" the GEM by putting back the ikbd in its usual GEM
> mode :
> IKBD_Cmd_TurnMouseOff
> IKBD_Cmd_ReturnJoystickAuto
> IKBD_Cmd_RelMouseMode
> Then file selector is opened and I release LMB
> send byte=0xf8 delay=0        <- LMB released
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> In your traces, we have :
> send byte=0xfa delay=0        <- LMB pressed
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> Then those bytes look like bytes sent from IKBD_SelAutoJoysticks (which
> is called by IKBD_Cmd_ReturnJoystickAuto)
> send byte=0xff delay=0
> send byte=0x01 delay=0
> send byte=0xfe delay=0
> send byte=0x80 delay=0
> send byte=0xfe delay=0
> send byte=0x00 delay=0
> In my case, I don't have those joystick bytes ; do you have a joystick
> plugged, or did you accidentally press alt+J ?
> Those byte should not be sent if there's no joystick.
> Maybe there's a memory leak hidden somewhere that was never seen before
> and that is triggered in your case with you own gcc setup, but I don't
> see how to track this (it could also be a gcc bug, but a bug in Hatari
> is more likely).
> As Eero said, maybe running with valgrind and/or putting a breakpoint in
> gcc in IKBD_SelAutoJoysticks() would give some hints on what conditions
> allowed those 0xff and 0xfe bytes to be sent ?
> Nicolas

I think you found the problem. I disconnected my two usb joysticks
and the problem is gone. I have a Logitech Wingman Extreme Digital 3D
that sometimes (usually) sends rudder axis data when not in use. This
once caused mouse delays for me before (Eero fixed the problem).

Note my mentioning repeating key-press sound earlier 'Ah, joystick data'.

This means that you may be able to reproduce the problem by plugging
in a usb joystick and holding or moving an analog control while testing


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