Re: [hatari-devel] Starglider 1 doesn't work anymore with Hatari

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Le 08/11/2012 00:30, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On keskiviikko 07 marraskuu 2012, Eero Tamminen wrote:
Starglider 1 on the attached image works
only with older Hatari v1.4.

...regardless of whether I use color or monochrome mode.

The last OS calls it does before the titlescreen are:
GEMDOS Fopen("title.tra", 0x0)
BIOS Mediach()
BIOS Mediach()
GEMDOS Fread(6, 32768, 0x70000)
BIOS Mediach()
BIOS Rwabs 0,0,0x840F6C0,1318,62
BIOS Rwabs 0,0,0x83A4F50,8,1
BIOS Rwabs 0,0,0x83A5350,1380,1
GEMDOS Fclose(6)
GEMDOS Fopen("result.tra", 0x0)
BIOS Rwabs 0,0,0x83A4D50,11,1
BIOS Mediach()
BIOS Mediach()
GEMDOS Fread(6, 32768, 0x70000)
BIOS Mediach()
BIOS Rwabs 0,0,0x840F6C0,1382,62
BIOS Rwabs 0,0,0x83A5150,1444,1
GEMDOS Fclose(6)

They are the same with latest Hatari,
but Rwabs addresses differ a bit:
GEMDOS 0x3D Fopen("title.tra", read-only)
BIOS 0x09 Mediach(0x0)
BIOS 0x09 Mediach(0x0)
GEMDOS 0x3F Fread(6, 32768, 0x70000)
BIOS 0x09 Mediach(0x0)
BIOS 0x04 Rwabs(0,0x8424520,62,1318,0)
BIOS 0x04 Rwabs(0,0x83B9DB0,1,8,0)
BIOS 0x04 Rwabs(0,0x83BA1B0,1,1380,0)
GEMDOS 0x3E Fclose(6)
GEMDOS 0x3D Fopen("result.tra", read-only)
BIOS 0x04 Rwabs(0,0x83B9BB0,1,11,0)
BIOS 0x09 Mediach(0x0)
BIOS 0x09 Mediach(0x0)
GEMDOS 0x3F Fread(6, 32768, 0x70000)
BIOS 0x09 Mediach(0x0)
BIOS 0x04 Rwabs(0,0x8424520,62,1382,0)
BIOS 0x04 Rwabs(0,0x83B9FB0,1,1444,0)
GEMDOS 0x3E Fclose(6)

And after that the game doesn't show title
screen, but stops.

	- Eero


I gave a quick look yesterday, and the game tries to read sector 247 on track 79, this is not a gemdos issue. I think the protection test is still made, except the result is discarded in the end, so the game starts anyway, even on a standard floppy.

Now I need to see what is wrong when the fdc code deals with unknown sector (hatari 1.4 was completly wrong on this part, but in this specific case, it worked by luck)


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