[hatari-devel] Starglider 1 doesn't work anymore with Hatari |
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I just noticed that Starglider 1 from Atari powerpack
doesn't work anymore with Hatari.
With Hatari v1.4 it works fine, with latest Hatari it stops here:
$00f330 : 0839 0005 ffff fa01 btst #5,$fffffa01
$00f338 : 66f6 bne.s $f330
[... lots of repeats until ...]
$00f330 : 0839 0005 ffff fa01 btst #5,$fffffa01
$00f338 : 66f6 bne.s $f330
$00f33a : 3039 ffff 8604 move.w $ffff8604,d0
$00f340 : 0800 0004 btst #4,d0
$00f344 : 6700 0480 beq $f7c6
$00f348 : 42b9 0001 0980 clr.l $10980
$00f34e : 42b9 0001 0984 clr.l $10984
$00f354 : 42b9 0001 0e4c clr.l $10e4c
$00f35a : 42b9 0001 16d6 clr.l $116d6
$00f360 : 4e72 2700 stop #$2700
Any ideas why that happens? (FDC changes?)
- Eero
(I can send the disk image I got from the floppies
coming when I bought my ST on request.)