Re: [hatari-devel] 68030 MMU work

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it appears to me as if the PMMU opcodes are not yet correctly decoded.
When executing this:

        lea $e00000,a0
        ptestr #7,([8,a0]),#7,a0

Hatari reports

PTESTW 07,00E00000,#7,A1 PC=00411EDA
CPU Root Pointer: 0000000000000000
Fatal error: Root pointer is invalid descriptor!
PTEST: 00E00000, fc = 7, level = 7, return descriptor to register A0
PTEST status: 0000, B = 0, L = 0, S = 0, W = 0, I = 0, M = 0, T = 0, N = 0
M68000 Bus Error writing at address $0.

ptestw and ptestr seem to be confused here?

Take care


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