Re: [hatari-devel] 68030 MMU work

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Thanks for the suggestions! I'll look into set_x_funcs()!

When it comes to the license, feel free to use and modify this code. Most parts i did write from scratch, some parts have been made by copying and modifying code from cpummu.c/h.
The MMU030 code does not contain any parts from other software.

Am 01.09.2012 um 19:59 schrieb Thomas Huth:

> Hi Andreas!
> Am Sat, 1 Sep 2012 16:47:37 +0200
> schrieb Andreas Grabher <andreas.grabher@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> The MMU for the 68030 should be complete when it comes to
>> functionality (all functions emulated: PMOVE, PFLUSH, PTEST, PLOAD;
>> working table search; working ATC with entry replacement algorithm,
>> working transparent translation).
> That sounds great!
>> The problems with connecting the MMU to the CPU remain.
> I had a quick look at the code and I assume you are mainly referring to
> the changes in cpummu.h? (If not could you elaborate about this topic a
> little bit?)
> It seems to me that it might be better to use set_x_funcs() in newcpu.c
> to set the memory access functions to the MMU030 code instead, that way
> you would avoid the additional if-statement during each memory access.
> However, you might need to duplicate the unaligned access logic in
> this case, too.
>> I think now it would be a good time to test the existing code with
>> Hatari, if you are interested. All that needs to be done, is
>> connecting the MMU to Hatari. Like before, all critical code is in
>> cpummu030.c/h.
> Thanks a lot, Andreas, that's of course very interesting for Hatari,
> too. I am currently quite busy with other things, though, but I'll try
> to integrate your code into Hatari when I got some spare time.
> I assume the file cpummu030.c is properly licensed under the terms of
> the GPL? ... I ask because the GPL statement is missing in that file.
> Best regards,
>  Thomas

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