Re: [hatari-devel] Pacifist sources available |
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Le 03/06/2012 19:30, Laurent Sallafranque a écrit :
Hi all, I have a great news for you. Frederic Gidouin, author of Pacifist, has open the sources of Pacifist. You can download them at the following address: The sources compile well, and Frederic has tested Pacifist with Colonial Conquest. Have fun! Laurent
Hellowell, always nice to see sources released. Pacifist certainly had the merit of being one of the first ST emulator, but regarding low level accuracy, sound and video for example, I'm afraid it's now miles behind Hatari or Steem. I gave a quick look at the source, I don't think there's anything we could reuse or that could help fixing some problems in Hatari.
The fact that "colonial conquest" works is related to the fact that this emulator is low on cpu usage, some "simplifications" are made, so not everything is working as on a real ST and some programs that don't work under more complex emulator like Hatari or Steem happen to work under Pacifist.
What would be great is if *all* programs were running under Pacifist ; in that case we could say its emulation is correct on cpu/interrupts for example. But it's not the case, so this is emulator has its own drawbacks and advantages, like other emulators.
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