Re: [hatari-devel] Maybe a gemdos bug, I don't know

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Hi Eero,

It seems to work well :

GEMDOS path component '' doesn't fit to 8+3 chars!
GEMDOS path component 'LOADLEVEL.S' doesn't fit to 8+3 chars!

Maybe displaying also the path 'name' would help to detect easily where the error comes from, is it possible ?


Le 18/06/2012 22:39, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On torstai 14 kesäkuu 2012, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
  What I could do, is adding a warning on console for names that are
than 8+3 characters.  Would that help?

If there's no better solution, it would be good to add this warning.
Could you send the test program to me or test the attached path?

	- Eero

Best regards

Le 13/06/2012 22:53, Eero Tamminen a écrit :

On keskiviikko 13 kesäkuu 2012, Laurent Sallafranque wrote:
While playing with hatari and asm, I think I4ve found something :

In my program, I have the following :

toto_01l:        dc.b    "DATA\CHARS\TOTO0\BIN_LEFT\IDLE1.SPR",0
toto_01r:        dc.b    "DATA\CHARS\TOTO0\BIN_RIGHT\IDLE1.SPR",0

I load these files with the loader.s rout from DHS (thanks to them for
this code).

On hatari, it loads well and I don't have any problem, while on my
real falcon, I get the following message :


I think this may due to the 9 characters of the directory, but hatari
and my Falcon don't behave the same here.
That's a side-effect of Hatari GEMDOS emulation convenience feature.

Hatari's GEMDOS emulation supports accessing (case insensitively) host
directories and files which names are longer than 8+3 supported by FAT.

Even if one part of the code would limit names coming from TOS to
GEMDOS emulation to 8+3, the support for host names longer than 8+3
names would cause the longer names to be matched.

What I could do, is adding a warning on console for names that are
longer than 8+3 characters.  Would that help?

	- Eero

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