Re: [hatari-devel] hmsa utility does not recognize extender / zip2st features

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Am Wed, 30 May 2012 18:14:49 +0200
schrieb Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I also noticed that a subfolder with the ZIP contents and the full
> filename is created by zip2st. Sometimes this is not intended by the
> user: think of a file distribution that contains an AUTO folder. If
> there is a toplevel directory added, the intended AUTO won't run.

I think this only depends on the ZIP file that you use. If everything
is in the "main directory" of the ZIP file, you won't get an additional
folder in the .ST file either. But often the ZIP files also contain a
top level folder that contains every other packed file - so in this
case you will also get a top level folder in your .ST file, too, of


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