[hatari-devel] Calls to video_getPosition killing :) |
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I'm trying to remove all the calls to video_getPosition(),
Video_GetPosition_OnWriteAccess() and Video_GetPosition_OnReadAccess()
when in Falcon mode.
I've launched hatari under gdb with 3 breakpoints:
- 1 in video_getPosition()
- 1 in Video_GetPosition_OnWriteAccess()
- 1 in Video_GetPosition_OnReadAccess()
I've broken on all these functions:
MFP_ActiveEdge_WriteByte ()
IKBD_KeyboardControl_WriteByte ()
IKBD_KeyboardData_WriteByte ()
DC_ResetDMA ()
FDC_DmaModeControl_WriteWord ()
FDC_DiskController_WriteWord ()
FDC_DiskControllerStatus_ReadWord ()
FDC_WriteSectorRegister ()
FDC_DmaAddress_WriteByte ()
FDC_WriteCommandRegister ()
FDC_TypeI_Restore ()
FDC_Check_MotorON ()
FDC_CmdCompleteCommon ()
FDC_WriteTrackRegister ()
FDC_TypeI_Seek ()
FDC_TypeIV_ForceInterrupt ()
It seems that the FDC calls loops indefinitely (it always sequence).
This brings me one question:
- do these "cycle exact" functions need to be related to video cycles
exact ?
- couldn't they be related to an internal "clock" ?
- couldn't there be some internal clocks for the different values we
need that would act a bit like cycint ?