[hatari-devel] OSX gui: src/gui-osx/Info-Hatari.plist references SF

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Hello together,

as a sideeffect of the thread
http://www.atari-forum.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=22461 at atari-forum I
noticed that the OSX gui still has references to com.sourceforge

The file src/gui-osx/Info-Hatari.plist  is affected by this. Is a patch
necessary or would that change too much? (Being a Linux user, I I don't
know what this file actually affects under Mac OS)

I personally would change it to point to tuxfamily now as that is the
correct project origin.

Matthias Arndt <marndt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
PGP-Key: http://www.final-memory.org/files/marndt.asc
Jabber: simonsunnyboy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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